If you're going skiing you need skiis. If you're going bowling, you need ... bad example. If you're going nordkapping you'll definately need a Nordkapp.
I feel like I've graduated from some kind of school now that I own a Nordkapp. Stan was buying one and that planted the seed and got me to thinking. For me it was a leap of faith moving from the semi-hard chined Necky Looksha IV to the soft chined Nordkapp. Stan had tried Malcolm's twice last fall but I didn't ask to try because at the time it hadn't entered my mind. I trusted Malcolm to do the research and if Malcolm had a Nordkapp then that was good enough for me.
A couple of times in fresh water and my choice was vindicated. I am so going to enjoy paddling this boat over the summer. I'll miss seal launches though and running the boat up on the beach to land. You just can't do that to a clutured lady like the Nordkapp.
Tony :-)

That's funny Tony the same thing is happening to me. Must be our paddling style. lol
Ya, maybe Stan but I think it might be too late to make corrections now!
Tony :-)
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