Halite is the mineral form of sodium chloride (NaCl) commonly known as salt. Salt is sold as unrefined (sea salt), refined (table salt) and iodized salt. I don't know why we don't just call it halite as in "pass the halite, please".
Yesterday, I gave my new Nordkapp its first taste of salt. I'd spent a few hours in fresh water getting the feel of the boat. There was no wind and calm water, a perfect day to make another baby step. Maybe all this care is unnecessary but it was a great feeling let her stretch her legs.
Personally, I'm on a low sodium diet in an effort to control my blood pressure. The best thing for a kayak - a steady diet of salt.
Tony :-)
Nice Lookin' boat Tony, salt or no...
Ummmm.... yaaaaaa .... sweet!
Tony :-)
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