Ralph in his Valley Auqa- naut. Ralph is living the good life like myself in the Freedom 55 Club.Jonathan Livingston Seagull was one in a flock of seagulls in that wonderful book by Richard Bach in 1970. As there's safety in a flock of birds, so is there safety in group kayaking. But, as the story of Jonathan Livingston Seagull told us, you can be an individual within the flock and explore your own horizons.
My camera caught a number of paddlers individually on our paddle on Saturday and they have their own stories. Its what makes paddling also a social event where you can chat it up and get to know your fellow adventurers. As the foreleaf in the book stated "To the Jonathan Livingston Seagull in all of us".
Tony :-)

Tony, as comfortable in a kayak as he is on his motorcycle. Did I mention he's got a great kayak website with lots of great shots at
www.kayaktherock.com ?

Paul is our weatherman. People on his mailing list know what I mean. Here he is out on his first paddle for the year.

Alex, what can I say? Alex is Alex and loved by all. Alex is the current President of Kayak Newfoundland and Labrador. An accomplished paddler himself, he'll do anything to share his knowledge and assist novices by sharing his paddles. Alex is also known to be involved in many interesting paddles and because of that, has towing down to a science.

Neil putting his self-built stitch and glue kayak on edge. Neil is a kayaking instructor, thats why he looks like he knows what he's doing. Working in the environmental field, Neil is great to paddle with if you yourself don't know much about wildlife.

Paul is from Marystown area and was a competitive runner and represented the Province at the Canada Summer Games. He's still pretty competitive as I would find out on Sunday.

Craig is from Twillingate on the Northeast coast of Newfoundland. Craig, in one of his own boats, builds kayaks as Eastern Island Kayaks. They have five models to choose from and you can contact Craig for more information at "craigeik@hotmail.com"

Julie in her Necky Elaho. Julie is a former municipal and provincial politician and most notably a cancer survivor. She's also a scuba diver and involved in dragon boat racing.
you all enjoy kayak in the beautiful nature.
That's really nice of you all.
Yup, its great to get out with a bunch of people on a nice sunny day, smell the fresh air, leave all your worries on the beach, share a few jokes. Good for the spirit!
Don't know if you kayak. If not, pleased if you enjoy these pictures.
Tony :-)
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