In the Christian world, Good Friday is the day Jesus Christ was crucified. I've never been able to figure out what was good about that, but it was always a holiday. Because it was a holiday I always called it "Best Friday". Every Friday is good and when you have it off then its "Best Friday" for me.
Lucky me, I'm retired. Neil and Ysabelle were on the last days of their holidays and suggested a paddle from Flatrock to Pouch Cove (pronounced pooch). Stan couldn't resist and took a vacation day too.
This coast is very exposed and can be dangerous if the conditions are not right. Today they were and we took advantage. The cliffs were massive in places, starting out as red conglomerates and sandstones and then grey siltstones. There's more info on this paddle destination in a trip report on the Kayak Newfoundland and Labrador website at
All Fridays are best Fridays for me now but this was a particularly good one. Thanks to my paddling companions today. It was hard to choose from the pictures I took today but I'll post more later.
Tony :-)
Beautiful place,watching your blog is adding new destinations during my trip this summer!
Well, Lee if you do make it down to the "Rock" as Newfoundland is known and you want people to paddle with let me know. Glad you like the photos, sometimes its hit or miss with digital.
Tony :-)
OK Lee, my brain was a little slow last night, you're avalonexpedition. If you have time while you're here to paddle post on the newsgroup and we'll get a group together.
Tony :-)
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