OK, I know the dangers of paddling too close to an iceberg. But Friday I rolled the dice and got away with it.
The way I see it, rolling the dice is gambling and so is buying tickets on lotteries. The odds of winning the Lotto 649 Canadian lottery is 1 in 14,000,000. That's about the same as being struck by lightening.
Now, I've bought Lotto tickets occasionally when the prize has gotten obscene. I figured a quick paddle close to this berg would be a chance worth taking because I haven't won the lottery and I assumed the chances of something bad happening were about the same.
The berg could have rolled or the iceshelf that extended from the berg could have let go and come up under my boat. I could have been hit by lightening too. In hindsight I should have bought a lottery ticket on the way home because I was obviously lucky today!
Tony :-)
Risk is inherent in everything we do Tony. We could consider ourselves lucky......I just consider it optimizing the day.
Great Pics.
Absolutely true Stan. There's no risk in staying home in the rocking chair but then there won't be any lasting memories either.
Its all a crap shoot. I look at it as risk - reward; manageable risk, great reward.
Tony :-)
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