The pleasure boats are done for the season! (A)

Glacial till NE of Long Pond (B)
Houses perched on Conception Bay (C)
Well, the kayak gods did smile on me today. It didn't look good early this morning as my paddling buddy Stan was tied up with house chores. My better half doesn't like for me to paddle alone but today she had faith. So, I was off for my first solo paddle on the briney sea.
I put in in Topsail in Conception Bay, Newfoundland, and paddled some 5kms southwest to the community of Long Pond. It was blowing only about 15 kms from the WSW, 3 degrees C and small wind waves. Had I gotten in trouble I'd have blown up on the shore all along the way.
Its not an exciting paddle but it was a day out. This part of the shore of Conception Bay is either houses spilling out down to the edge of the sea (picture C) or unoccupied cobble beaches (picture B).
On the way to Long Pond the sun was directly in my eyes but I found the marina at Long Pond. Got out and stretched my legs and found it funny that I was still out on the water but all the pleasure boats were hauled up for the winter (picture A). Isn't it ironic?
The hills backing cobble beaches consist of glacial till (B) that was dumped when the glaciers retreated here some 12,000 years ago. The houses are somewhat newer and look like clumps of habitation dumped unwittingly here too.
While it was liberating to be out alone, I did miss Stan. I hope there'll be other days when the kayaking gods smile on me yet this year. Either way I've no reason to complain if I was able to be out on December 6!!!
Tony :-)
Congrats Tony for getting out there solo. I know you have the skills to handle that paddle. I was wondering if you made it out as I was dodging shoppers at various locations. Would have been nice to be on the water. I suspect we will continue to get out at least until the ice crust around shore makes it difficult and unsafe. Dry suit and new PFD have arrived so I'll be better prepared and happily looking forward to dry paddles. ; ) See ya on the water soon.
The hardest part Stan was convincing Sherry that it was safe. I'm sure we'll have chances yet to paddle. At least now when you dress for water temp you're also dressing for air temp!
Tony :-)
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