Stan heading for .....?
This is a picture of Stan paddling towards Bauline on a paddle we did back in November. If we had blinkers on and this is all we could see, in a couple of seconds Stan would be out of the picture, destination somewhere left.
Destination is somewhere I suppose we're all going. Sometimes we know the destination because we've gotten in a boat, car etc and purposely gone there. Sometimes, we don't know, like what's the plan for tomorrow.
Sometimes we think we're already there. I have a friend who has been playing guitar for years and years. I've been learning to play for 4 years. I can only get better; he can't because he thinks he's already there (no disrespect to him), an accomplished player.
In kayaking, thinking that you have all the skills mastered can be dangerous. The sea can throw things at you that are totally unexpected and there's always a need to be on top of your game. I try to be honest with myself and when I don't handle a situation very well, I plan to practice for better future execution. Learning to be a skilled kayaker is a journey, there is no destination.
In that sense, kayaking is like life.
Tony :-)
Tony sometimes I just like going no where when I paddle. It's easy to get there. I find every aspect of life a journey, I guess if I didn't I'd feel stagnated besides I love learning new things, some with more passion than others but the process appears to be the same. I don't necessarily want or ascribe to be a kayaker I would more like to be a paddler, because to me it is the art and craft of paddling that will take you to where you want to go and bring you home again...if that is the desire.
will be glad to get on the water again soon buddy.
Right on Stan, that is precisly what this blog entry was about - stagnation versus new learning. There's always new music to learn or new styles. There's only paddling in calm sunny weather (destination reached) or learn to paddle in conditions (the journey). Kayaker - paddler, umm, that's synonymous to me but maybe I need to mull that over.
Be nice to get out before New Year's paddle Stan. Lets keep an eye on the weather.
Tony :-)
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