According to Einstein's General theory of Relativity, both space and time are curved near massive bodies. The greater the mass of the body the greater the curvature of space-time near it. There's some speculation whether space curves back on itself, and therefore time also. If time does curve back on itself, would time travel be possible?
So far time travel is the stuff of science fiction. Its interesting stuff especially with things like string theory being developed. Imagine 11 different dimensions, boggles the mind. I think its sometimes difficult enough getting my bearings upside - down in a kayak.
I know I won't see time travel in my lifetime but I can still take trips back in time. I got out some old albums (yes, albums) last night and had a listen to Deep Purple's "In Rock". Its been a long time since I've listened to that one and it certainly did take me back. It was like meeting a long-lost friend again and isn't that a great feeling?
I can't go back in time physically but I can between my ears and I wondered what happenned and how did I land here.
Tony :-)
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