I'm told "floccipaucinihilipilification" is the longest word in the Oxford English Dictionary. I can't dispute that without leafing thru the entire thing and I'm not that desperate - yet. Its meaning is that the action of estimating is worthless.
Looking at Kelly's Island in the center, it doesn't look that far away and a tempting target for a crossing. In actual fact its close to 15 kms and a 2 hour crossing in these waters. But, if you didn't know the actual distance you could be tempted to have a go only to find out its much further than it looks. Not so bad on a day like this but it could be a disheartening exercise in heavy winds.
The ability to estimate distances is a good ability to have if you don't have charts with you. I practice it usually when I'm on the highway. I pick out a far landmark and estimate the distance, drive there and note the distance travelled on the odometer. Like anything, it takes practice.
Making an estimate is worthless without any basis for making an estimate, so practice. And, floccipaucinihilipilification is a mouthful!
Tony :-)
You can also try using Kamal that can easily be made with a ruler and some string and creasting a knot that can be held in your teeth when you hold the constructed ruler away from you. You can also use a makeshift Kamal on your paddle shaft. Kamal is supposed to be one of the earliest celestial navigational tools for measuring lattitude, I think.
Nice post Tony.
Well Stan, I'm going to have to research that Kamal, first I ever hear of it. Being in the dark as much as I am, I can learn something new everyday.
Tony :-)
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