Butterpot Mountain just above Stan from the waters of Holyrood Bay
There's a saying "you can't tell where you're going unless you know where you've been". Sometimes I wonder about how I ended up where I am today. The answer of course is I am the product of everything that has happenned to me in the past. I've made mistakes and I've done a lot of things right. They weren't big mistakes mind you or else I'd be blogging from a prison cell! Just things I might have done differently. I can't change those things now but I can make sure that I don't repeat them. Maybe its a function of age; as you get older you (hopefully) get wiser.
A few years ago my daughter Lana and I hiked to the top of Butterpot Mountain where you get a bird's-eye view of Conception Bay, Newfoundland. This past Sunday Stan and myself did a paddle along the far side of Holyrood Bay and as we were coming back I got a shot of Stan with Butterpot Mountain in the background. On top of the mountain, it looks like a big drop to the water but sitting at water level in a kayak, the Mountain doesn't look so intimidating.
What looked like mountains to me many years ago now looks like no big deal. A difference in perspective. Like the spider said as he walked across the mirror "that's one way of looking at it!"
Tony :-)
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