Today I had an enjoyable paddle from Calvert to Ferryland with the plan to visit the archaeoligic dig there. Always intended to visit the site and today I took the chance to visit it by boat.
Ferryland is the site of a colony founded by George Calvert in 1621. He picked a site on the eastern most edge of Newfoundland that is for all intents, open to the North Atlantic. Next stop, Ireland.
The colonists set about constructing buildings to settle in. It was thought there was a potential for a fishery plus production of other goods such as timber, salt, hemp, tar and iron. Reports from the colony spoke favourably of the climate as "being better and not so cold as England". By the middle of the decade there were about 100 people in the colony. But life was not easy for the colonists and in 1626 Arthur Aston, Gouvernor of Avalon at the time, returned to England with all the colonists.
In 1828 Calvert, then Lord Baltimore, sailed to Newfoundland with his wife and family and 40 more colonists. But he became disenchanted with the woeful conditions in the colony and in 1632 obtained a new charter form the king for a colony in Chesapeake Bay, the site of the modern City of Balitmore, which was named for him.
So, Lord Baltimore's association with the Colony of Avalon was over. But, there are maps of Ferryland dating from 1693 indicating settlement continued and there was in fact a French raid on the colony in 1696 when the archaeological history ends. The original colony was forgotten and lay undisturbed for centuries until Dr. James Tuck started digging there in the 1970's.
I got out to take some pictures and thought that visiting the site by kayak was fitting. The Colony of Avalon was settled by people who came in boats so today I have that in common with those 17th century adventurers.
Tony :-)

Looks like a mighty fine day Tony. Good to be out there I bet. See any sea life? Good on you buddy.
Tony - I'd say you had another fine day! excellent choice of a day trip too. alison
It was a fine day indeed Stan and Alison. Saw a few birds but I need to educate myself to identify them in the future. I think the people of Ferryland thought an alien had landed because I walked over to the site in full kayak attire, including sprayskirt. Aw nuts!
Tony :-)
You are so lucky! Angie is not comfortable with me paddling solo, let alone in the winter, so until it gets warmer, I'm stuck to the pool. I can't blame her, I don't think I have the skills yet for those challenges. Oh well, I did manage to get out for a skate yesterday evening tho.
Brian, its taken a while to convince Sherry that I'm OK to go by myself in the conditions I pick. I won't put-in if I feel uncomfortable.
I'm very sure you have the skills to paddle where I have this winter and I'm certainly not a better paddler than you. I've just taken baby steps and built up my own confidence to be alone. I found it to be a bit of a mind game at first.
I'm also guarding against over confidence and sticking my neck out too far. Have to live to paddle another day!
Tony :-)
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