This past Sunday Stan and I put-in in a small fishing village on the outskirts of St. John's and paddled into the harbour of St. John's. It was a short 20 minute paddle. I was more concerned with the wind and swell than with shipping traffic. Once we got into the Narrows (the narrow entrance to the harbour) we took our time and took photos.
We were in the harbour about 10 minutes or so when I noticed an oil production supply boat coming in as well. I wondered if it would have noticed us had we still been in the Narrows or how I would have reacted with it suddenly on my backdeck?
I could say I was looking for traffic but that wouldn't be true. I was stupid and forgot where I was. I should have been scanning the horizon to my left looking for traffic; if I had I would have been aware of it.
Kayaks don't come with rear view mirrors like cars so the next time I paddle there, or anyplace where boat traffic is possible, I'll be sure to keep my head on a pivot and use my eyes.
Tony :-)
A few years back I was going out through the narrows on a 65' fishing vessel, when all of a sudden we were overtaken by a huge Oceanex Container Ship. I wasn't piloting the boat, I was just a passenger so I had no idea that this ship was behind us, I was just looking out ahead of us at the open ocean. I was amazed at how fast it was on top of us, and we were doing 10 knots. Yeah its a good idea to always watch your six!
Brian, I don't know if I just didn't think of it because I haven't paddled a lot in areas with much boat traffic. But, I've learned.
Tony :-)
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