OK, get yer mind out of the gutter!
It was a beautiful day, sunny and cool. After a visit to Derrick's to get him to look at how my greenland paddle was progressing and to get advice on finishing, duties in the garden called. I said to myself, I should be paddling. But, I can't paddle all the time and expect the garden to take care of itself.
Duties done, after supper I took advantage of the longer evenings now and had a quickie paddle from St. Philips to Portugal Cove. Its only 5 minutes from home so it was convenient and it was on the water. It can't always be a full day paddling, and when it can't a quickie fits the bill.
Tony :-)
I only wished I was out there last evening. I was out on land taking pictures and wondering how many people were out paddling because it was simply a beautiful evening. Call sucks when the days are awesome. There will be more. Glad ya made it out Tony. Good on you also for making your words for word verification smaller. ;-)
There'll be lots of good days when you won't be on call Stan. The season is just getting underway.
I did give a thought last night to the evening when you took what I call "the picture". I still have a ways to go!
Tony :-)
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