Whale surfacing in Witless Bay
Race is strictly a biological classification of mankind based on physiological traits. Most anthropologists agree on three major groups of humans: caucasoid, mongoloid and negroid. While that may be factual, all these groups belong to one single species - homo sapiens.
It seems so appropriate to me to make an entry on this today as Americans vote for their next president. I think history will be made today and when you think of it, the possibility that Obama could be president tomorrow is almost beyond belief. Just 50 short years ago he wouldn't be allowed to use certain washrooms and would have had to ride in the back of the bus. If elected, I think he will change not only America but the entire globe - and for the better. And that's worth hoping for.
I took this picture of a whale in Witless Bay. Its not a high quality photo but will do. It is a single picture that I inverted the colours in of one half of the picture. Two different looking scenes but all part of one picture.
Tony :-)
History is made Tony! Lets just hope the Home Sapien gets a bit more wise....around the world. What an oppurtunity for the world to come together and then there's Russia. Great post.
Starting with this Sapien. My typo should read "homo" not "home".lol
We live in hope Stan! If we don't figure it out soon, you may be right but it'll be Home alone Sapien. There may be a last humanoid.
Tony :-)
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